A few night’s ago in a dream, I am observing a winter storm. The scene quickly changes. I am now standing on a shore somewhere and looking out in the distance over a dark and stormy sea. Dark clouds can be seen hovering over angry, dark waters with high waves churning under the force of strong winds. I realize that there are people in these waters. Suddenly, a bright light begins to shine in the darkness and over a specific spot in the middle of the sea where people are bopping up and down. Next, I see a woman dressed in a long white gown floating to shore on her back in calm shallow waters. End of dream.
Winter storms have been wreaking havoc in different places this year; most notably in Texas recently where people have endured a great deal of affliction; some having catastrophically lost their lives. The Woman in white represents the church body composed of a multitude of Believers worldwide who are caught in a churning sea of emotional, physical and spiritual turmoil. Some of whom will be brought back to shore and to safety where they will experience healing and restoration.
Dear reader, if you are one who is being tossed in life’s turbulent waters today, I encourage you strongly to look up and beyond the unrest, above the upheaval, above the chaos of this world. Fix your eyes of faith intently on Jesus Christ, that awesome supernatural Light that shines in the darkness. You might not have sufficient strength and endurance to walk on the waters of life’s storms. And you might not have eyes to see that the Lord’s Light is really there with you through it all. But I am reminding you today that there is help from heaven available to you. With continued faith in Jesus Christ, along with the help of the Holy Spirit, His holy angels and the Word, you will be guided to repose in calm waters as you are brought back to shore, if you will let it be so.
“And he (Jesus) said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. “ (Mat. 8:26)

On a critical and prophetic note, there are some who will not make it out of these storms and tempestuous seas alive in the spiritual sense and even the physical sense. As confirmed in the Word, these are they who will have lost faith and will have drowned in the ways of this fallen world. A dire warning also accompanies this message today.
“And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.” (Rev. 20:13)
It bears noting that those who stand on the shores of salvation can help bring Light to those lost at sea through prayers, ministering of the Word or in whatever capacity the Lord guides. To them, I would encourage you to let your light shine in the darkness. And to all, I wish you good courage but most importantly always keep the faith in the Lord and His finished works.
In Christ, always,
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