“Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Mat. 18:2-4)
Suddenly in my field of vision I saw an inordinately large bouquet of bright red pointsettas resting in front of a door. The scene changes and I see people in a room somewhere (it appears to be a hospital room) holding smaller bouquets of bright red pointsettas.
Flowers in my dreams and visions most often always represent an aromatic and prayerful exchange between GOD and the Believer. In this case, to understand the pointsetta is to understand the vision even better. Some Believers, ignorant of the manifestations of the Spirit, will determine that the following explanation is nothing more than a myth or fable. They fail to discern that GOD uses the foolish and lowly things of this world to confound the wise and the strong. (1 Cor. 26-28) Indeed, he destroys the wisdom of those who profess to be wise and frustrates the intelligence of the intelligent.
The Pointsetta, also known as the Christmas Star and Christmas Flower, is rooted in a Mexican legend. The legend notes that a young impoverished girl named Pepita had aspirations of lovingly bringing a gift for the baby Jesus at the services in Church. And so she gathered a bundle of weeds and formed a bouquet. Upon depositing the bouquet of weeds on the altar, the congregation miraculously saw the weeds turn into brilliant red and green flowers. Hence the Pointsetta which eventually became associated with Christmas.
This vision is rich in meaning on different levels. Christmas, regardless of what time of year it really occurred, symbolizes the birth of Christ in the Believer – the born-again experience. The child Pepita represents the humble and poor in spirit. These are they who prayerfully approach GOD as a child and recognize HIM as our heavenly FATHER. A FATHER who hears our prayers because of the finished works of HIS glorified Son, Jesus Christ. A FATHER apart from whom we can do nothing and a FATHER upon whom we are completely dependent. Pepita whose name means “Jehovah increases” points to the Believer receiving graces in prayers. The weeds that were changed into lively red flowers (symbolic of Jesus Christ’s blood) represent prayerful requests flourishing and transitioning from something lowly into something of beauty (I am hearing ‘into something that is “vibrant”‘). The inordinate large bouquet symbolize a large group of people praying and denotes the importance of strength in numbers. (Mat. 18:19-20)
This vision conveys the importance of humility in prayer when addressing GOD, of trusting HIM and of keeping the faith regardless of situations and conditions. It most importantly conveys an exchange of Love; (Spoken Word of Knowledge) the Love of the faithful who pray and the Love of our heavenly FATHER. A FATHER who loved the world so much, HE sent HIS Son to sacrificially die on a Cross so that through Him the world can be saved. For GOD so Loved the world. For GOD so loves each and every one of HIS children.
Keep the Faith, In Christ we vibrantly love beyond the natural. In Christ we are vibrantly loved in liberal (liberating), wondrous and mysterious ways.
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