Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Eph. 6:13-17)

Very early this morning an image of a bullseye target was shown in a vision. Because darts are used by the wicked, I recognized that this was a warning of an attack of some kind. Yet there were no flying darts neither did any darts appear on the board. The Word “nothing” was spoken. Nothing was allowed to strike the board. I then realized that the board was, instead, a shield of faith. A shield which the enemy would love to strike and pierce but a shield that is resistant to his attacks!
In his description of the Armor of God, Apostle Paul significantly singled out the shield of faith as a powerful and effective means of deflecting the enemy’s darts. Paul was, by analogy, appropriating the military attire of his day. During the days of the Roman Empire, thureos (large military shields) were often carried and held by those who were at the front lines. Not only did these shields help to protect them, it also protected those who were behind them. When they lifted their shields up, it allowed archers from behind to shoot their arrows at the enemy. On a higher level of understanding it conveys the importance of stepping out in faith to serve the Lord in whatever capacity He has called us. It means knowing and believing that in all circumstances not a single dart has power over His finished works on the Cross and over Christ who lives in us! (Col. 1:27)
All faithful Christians will be attacked by the enemy until the Lord removes him entirely from this planet (following the thousand year resurrection). And the more we serve GOD, the more we will be attacked by Satan because we are a threat to his fallen kingdom. And to be sure, serving the Lord will always invoke the criticism of the enemy who will attack on different levels: spiritually, emotionally and even physically. It is a war that will involve many battles until the Lord puts Satan away permanently. Until then, we are called to continue serving the Lord righteously on the front lines with the armor and the mighty shield of faith. It will help “protect” us (Spoken Word of Knowledge) and those behind us whose faith might falter.
I was recently reading in a news feed that an increasing number of Pastors are being targeted by that fallen one in different ways. It is yet and again another sign of the latter days. It is critical for the church to don on its spiritual armor; to stay united in true faith on all fronts and for faithful Believers to cover each other in prayer. Sometimes it takes an army.
Keep the Faith in the Lord’s finished works. He is our Protector and Deliverer. He is the Lord of Salvation – the Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings.
Praise GOD and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
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