Turn you at my reproof (repent): behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. (Prov. 1:23)
What Did You See?
A sword with water abundantly pouring on its long, shining and sharp silver blade.
What Does It Mean?
The Sword biblically represents the Word of GOD whereas the water symbolizes the operations of the Holy Spirit: And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Eph. 6:17)
The vision conveys that Believers are washed, refreshed, renewed and revivified by the Word of GOD through the Holy Spirit. That is to say, it is the Holy Spirit who activates the Word in us when we are born again and obey the Lord’s Commandments.(Jn. 14:15-21) And we cannot have the Holy Spirit without placing our faith unconditionally in the complete and finished works of the Lamb. Why? Because it was through His sacrificial death that this Heavenly and Holy Teacher was gifted to us.
For He (Jesus Christ) whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto Him. (Jn. 3:34)
Then He (Jesus) opened their (His Apostles’) understanding that they might understand the scriptures (possible only because Jesus was given the Holy Spirit without measure.).…(Lk. 24:45)
Why Does It Matter?
Because the Word in combination with the Holy Spirit teaches about justification, sanctification and eventual glorification. Together, they confirm and perform that work in us when we abide in Christ’s finished works and put His teachings, instructions and corrections even into application. It is all part of being transformed into His holy image in preparation for His coming and for the great matrimonial banquet! (Phil. 1:6; 2 Cor. 3:18; Mat. 22:11-12) Yes, the Lord of Righteousness and Holiness wants a compatible, clean and spotless Bride; He cannot be unequally yoked.
In addition to all that, the Sword is supremely effective in battling the relentless enemy whose modus operandi is to discourage, depress, disable and devour the Seed, the Offspring that belongs to GOD. I greatly encourage you today to place your faith in the Lord’s finished works. Then partake of His Word studiously and be amazed at how the Holy Spirit opens your understanding, changes and guides you. (2 Tim. 2:15; Jn. 16:13-15) Yes, let the living Water of Life made abundantly available through the Lord Jesus Christ do His awesome works. For those who will receive it, this is all part and parcel of the Lord pouring out His Spirit during these latter days. (Prov. 1:23; Joel 2:28; Acts. 2:16-18). So! The Church is called to let Him clean its dusted sword of anything and everything that might have tainted its radiance. Get your polish back on! And be amazed at how the bright Light that shines off its blade will confuse, blind and defeat the enemy on so many levels! I am hearing the Word: Effective. Don’t miss this great opportunity and time in human history! Really, don’t miss it!

That He (Jesus Christ) might sanctify and cleanse it (the Church) with the washing of water by the word (which contains the entire truth which is the Light of GOD’S complete plan of salvation). That He might present it to himself a glorious church (and Bride) not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. (Eph. 5:26-27)
A Word of Knowledge and confirmation has been spoken twice! Praise GOD and thank you Lord!
Keep the Faith! Suzanne ❤ +
Thank you for this!
Praise God!
You’re welcome Sherry. God bless! Suzanne