In a vision this morning a Timer was shown with the pointer positioned at 5 minutes. As always, the call to prepare and be prepared as moved and guided by the Holy Spirit is critical. Noteworthy is that angelic activity has also been shown recently.

This post will not delve into a lengthy description and interpretation. The time points to the end of the last hour. And the time of preparation is almost up. If you have back slid and/or are a non Believer, don’t put off until tomorrow what is in your power to do today. That is to say; to repent, to receive forgiveness of sins and obtain eternal salvation in and through Jesus Christ while time is still a commodity. Faithful and persistent Believers take heart in knowing that the Lord is with us, is in us and His angels are at work among us. Praise God and thank you Lord!

Recommended Reading: Psalm 91

Keep the Faith, Suzanne ♥ ✝

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel