Vision. Two days ago water violently exploding out of a faucet was shown.

What appears to have been a historical and explosive breakthrough for Israel with Hezbollah (link here) and the astronomical devastating Hurricane that struck Florida including other parts of the nation yesterday, it leaves no doubt that we are living in the days of sorrows pending the period of great tribulation. In Matthew 24, Jesus warned that there would be wars, rumours of wars and earthly cataclysms but that these were only the beginning of birth pains. Could the explosive water seen in the vision be symbolically compared to the breaking of gestational waters during labour just before a baby is born? Those of you who study prophecies will understand that this not only applies to the latter day outpouring of the Spirit and the born again experience (Joel 2:28-31; Acts 2:16-21) but also on a grander scale to Israel and latter-day prophecies.

Critically, all of Hades will break lose and Satan will seek to devour the latter-day seed or offspring of Israel who will be caught unaware like a Woman in labour. (1 Thess.5:3-5) And Revelation Chapter 12 explains this in more detail here. But GOD always has a plan and the Lord will unexpectedly intervene like a thief in the night. (1 Thess. 5:2-4; 1 Thess. 4:17) We are living in great, great days of prophecies! Not only as it applies to Israel but for all nations as well.

Wherever in the world you are and if you haven’t been born again, you are greatly encouraged to repent if need be. Confess your sins, receive the free gift of salvation and of the Holy Spirit made available only through the Lord Jesus Christ. The hour is late.

Recommended Reading: Isaiah 66: 6-24

Recommended Reading: Mat. 24:3-14

Recommended Reading: Revelation 12

Recommended Reading: Revelation 7

Recommended Reading: John 16:21:22

Recommended Reading: John 3:1-19

Keep the Faith, Suzanne ✝ ♥