The Vision

In a vision early this morning, an ancient looking scroll appeared. The seal around it had just become undone. While wondering what I was looking at, the following Words of Knowledge were spoken: It Is Very Old. Immediately more words were spoken: Share It With The Churches.

Unsealing the Vision

I personally believe that this ancient scroll symbolizes the sealed scroll (or sealed book in KJV) of The Book of Revelation which describes events to take place prior to the outpouring of GOD’S judgment on earth during these latter days. (Rev. 5:1-7) And this seal appears to be related to the opening of the first of seven seals as written by Apostle John. And this makes sense considering that he was commissioned by Christ to share His revelations with the churches prior to His coming. (Rev. 1:10-11, 19) By default, it has to include the seven-sealed scroll of tribulation. (Rev. 5 and 6). Except for Daniel’s prophecies that dovetail in meaning with John’s prophecies, there is no other mention of a sealed scroll (or a sealed book) containing information foretold to be shared with the churches during these end times. (Dan. 12:4-9)

The First Seal

The opening of the first seal unleashes the first crowned Horseman of the Apocalypse – some type of ruler – who rides a white horse and who goes out to conquer. Some believe that this rider is the Antichrist synonymous with a Spirit of conquest and delusion and others believe He is Christ. Does the opening of the first seal include the period prior to the “the beginning of sorrows” or does it mark the beginning of the tribulation period? (Mat. 24) Different biblical scholars believe it can be one or the other.

In Brief…

Although no timeline was given in the vision, it appears that biblical judgments and events preceding the coming of Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings are getting ready to break. And with that being said, I believe that the Body of Christ, Israel, Canada, America and all nations are called to come to the Lord with faith, belief and repentance while time permits.

Revelation Chapter 5 linked here.

Revelation Chapter 6 linked here.

Psalm 2 linked here.

While wondering if I was correctly interpreting this vision, the following Words of Knowledge were spoken: Believe It!

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. (Is. 65:4)

Praise be to GOD our FATHER in the mighty name of the Lord of Lords and King of all Kings, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Keep the Faith, as always! Suzanne ✝ ♥

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