[Note to False Prophets: And here we go again. You who attempt to intimidate and silence the genuine prophetic voices of those who have been called to ministry and to warn others to prepare need to examine yourselves deeply. You are moved by deception and selfish ambitions and lack the earnest desire to bring unbelievers to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. You prophesy falsely and you are usurping the role and position of the Holy Spirit in Believers’ lives – repent while time still affords you the opportunity.]

Back to the message and a reminder to be prepared physically, mentally and first and foremost, spiritually (as moved by the Holy Spirit).

An “Atrocity is coming. It will involve “suffering”. It will be “massive” and it will be “fatal. In order not to be moderated by the powers that be, I encourage readers to read between the lines. It will also involve and/or cause “Cancer”. Discern. (Words of Knowledge spoken at 3:00 a.m. this morning.) After prayerfully inquiring if I should post these warnings, I was shown a television set with writing paper and a microphone on top. The paper is the medium on which these visions and dreams are written and the mic symbolizes speaking what I am shown to warn others.

I do not listen to the news but these words were confirmed by someone today who is more “in the know” with world events. Do not be caught unaware. It will be of the utmost importance to have the guidance of the Holy Spirit in coming days.

Vigilant – link:

Vigilance (doveofrevelation.com)

Keep the Faith, always
