When Called….
A vision was shown a couple of months ago that will cause changes in different ways. Suddenly, a small moving wind was shown with white letters moving inside. And just as suddenly, the letters took their proper order to reveal: “Start Your Own Youtube Channel.” (!)
Since then it has been in the works. As some of you already know, there is a great deal to learn when setting up a YouTube channel considering video clips, pictures, voice overs and everything else involved. The plan is to have it launched sometime this summer, perhaps sooner. For those who prefer a reading format, the blog will continue as is and will be a spin off for YouTube.
All this to share with you all that when called, it is imperative that we obediently respond – despite the resistance. At the same time, I would like to encourage those of you who have been called or are being called to push through regardless of all obstacles. Stand strong in the Word, Christ’s authority, His righteousness and holiness.
The Light that Is Christ
I am the Light of the World….(Jesus Christ)
May the Light of the Lord’s awesome face bless you and shine upon you. Remain in His Light dear brothers and sisters. It is the place where our ultimate home awaits us. (A white large circular Light was shown in a vision a few days ago. It was a Light that Charles Stanley appeared to walk into. It was clearly announced: “He Is Coming In.” I am not familiar with his theology; even still, Doctor Stanley is at Home where GOD and the Lamb are the Light. Well done good and faithful servant, enter into His joy.) Praise GOD and thank you Lord.
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me. (Is. 6:8)
Keep the Faith in the Lord and His finished works, everyday.
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