A Christian Website where revelatory Dreams, Visions, the Word of GOD and Words of Knowledge are shared.

Category: Visions (Page 1 of 42)

Prophetic Christian visions are shared for the benefit of all

Hope Springs in Canada!

While praying for Canada to awaken, the following Word of Knowledge was spoken: Happening. Can we soon be witnessing a shift in this nation?!

Events will happen in this world that are prophetic and catastrophic in nature and that cannot be changed. Even still for as long as we are here on this earth, Believers can still make a difference to help bring in the end time harvest of lost souls fit to populate the New Kingdom in heaven and eventually on a new earth.

Despite the fact that Believers are currently oppressed, monitored and even in some cases imprisoned in this nation for evangelizing the gospel, we must remain true to who we are in Christ and to our calling. We cannot be deterred, we must keep on keeping on with the kind of wisdom, supernatural faith, guidance, endurance and strength that can only come from the Lord’s Spirit working in us. (1 Jn. 4:4)

Preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many (are) In Darkness! (Spoken Words of Knowledge)

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Mat.10:16)

The Uprising of the Cross, linked here.

Keep the Faith, Keep Praying, Keep Believing and Keep Occupying Until the Lord Comes. And He is Coming!! Praise GOD and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

Suzanne ✝ ♥

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

Asteroid Update

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (Lk. 21:25-26)

It was brought to my attention today that another asteroid (named 2024YR4) was recently discovered on December 27, 2024, having a 1.6% chance of striking earth in 2032. Linked here.

“I am left wondering what other large space rock silently lurks in space that might and will one day shock scientists and the world?” Extracted from the video entitled: Asteroid: Could This Be Apophis? Linked here.

Keep the Faith, Suzanne ✝ ♥

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

Enter The Rainbow

Yesterday while studying scriptures, the Word Rainbow was clearly spoken. It’s a tone that I recognize very well and it immediately caught my attention. A video had been posted on that subject over a year and half ago and was deleted a year later because it needed updating. Lord willing, look for an updated version on this channel soon with the same title: ReGenesis: A New Day Dawns.

In the meantime a previously-posted message entitled: The Bow and the Cross is linked here. It is a deep study that confirms the sign of the Rainbow with the sign of the Last days. Once again the Lord returns to bring order out of chaos; and things will shake, rattle and roll. Be found prepared and ready.

New Readers might want to check out the following videos:

Video: The Sign: An October To Remember, linked here.

Video: The Rapture and a Sign, linked here.

Keep the Faith. To be in the Rainbow is to be in Christ!

Suzanne ♥ ✝

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

America and Canada

The Vision

Today a vision was suddenly brought to my remembrance. It has epic and historical significance for Canada. What is presently happening with the United States seeking to annex Canada might already have been shown in September of 2022. See message entitled: New Kingdoms, linked here.

Most Importantly…

Above everything and anyone else, we need to seek and pray to GOD for wisdom and guidance with this unexpected development because He sees things we do not and the fallen Prince is subtly clever. Consider that our current “W” leadership who has a globalist mindset is meeting with the EU with alliances to the Brics nations subsequent to imposed tariffs from America. Canada, we are in a hot mess on all sides. Pray that this nation will turn to GOD so that our land can be healed. (2 Chr. 7:14-15) That HE will send us good Shepherds who will help evangelize this country – this nation is in dire need. That HIS Will be done in all things.

Note: I make no premature assumptions nor conclusions about this vision without more revelation from the Lord. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to discern the times. To discern political leaders who will be positioned as the ten horns of Revelations. Most importantly, as Believers we can rest in knowing that, regardless, of what world Leaders do, don’t do and plan to do, GOD will ultimately have HIS way and HIS own Kingdom.

Keep the Faith. This message will very likely be revisited.

Suzanne ✝ ♥

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

ASTEROID: Could This Be Apophis?

Update: This video originally aired 11 months ago. As of this date, the potential for impact has been upgraded. April 13, 2029 will be the closest an asteroid this size will pass by planet earth. It comes back again in 2036 and 2068. Also significant is that this asteroid is elongated in shape and will make more sense to viewers why this is noted after watching the video. Stones and stars falling from heaven are signs of the last days. A Word of Knowledge confirmed that this video needed to be posted again.

Keep the Faith, Suzanne ♥ ✝

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

The Church Under Attack

The Visions

Two mornings ago, it was shown and revealed that the Church at large is in the enemy’s cross hairs. The vision was also followed by beautiful white flowers which is a fragrant call to intercessory prayer.

Urgency of the Hour

After understanding the interpretation, I prayerfully asked if these visions should be made known. And even before having finished asking, the following Words of Knowledge were spoken: “Right Now.” (Is. 65:24) Right is the root word of Righteousness. And not only does it mean that this is a critical time for the Church at large to get right with the Lord, it also means that it is a righteous thing to let this matter be known immediately, instantly and at once. Timing is important because it can be favourably preemptive.


The enemy is up to no good and it should not be surprising; these are the latter days! If for whatever reason you might have back slid or are under attack, enter into the privacy of your prayer chamber and pray with faith. Believe that the Lord is gracious to forgive and answers the prayers of the redeemed who are contrite in spirit.

And this is the confidence that we have before Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (1 Jn. 5:14)

Keep the Faith.

Prayerfully, Suzanne ✝ ♥

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

Kingdoms of the World

US Political Elections In Review

It was shown and already decided on October 23, 2024, that this particular presidential candidate would be ousted in a big way. Link here.

And it was already decided that DJT would be victorious in July 2024. In a vision, he was shown standing on a map close to the Mexican border. In retrospect, it meant that he would be elected and would ‘take a stand’ at the border where illegal immigrants and criminals enter. Mass deportations are already taking place during his first week as President. The critical importance of being guided/fed by the Lord Jesus Christ who sits at the right side of the FATHER in heaven was also shown. Link of vision here.

Politics in Canada

Vision: A timer of some kind was shown being dialed back from its top position to about two notches back, at about the 10th mark. It was understood that it pointed to a delay. Trudeau thereafter resigned and consequently prorogued the Canadian Parliament until March 24th. Though the Liberals remain in power, all parliamentary activity including existing bills, committee work, studies and investigations are being ‘delayed.‘ It’s a setback that affects many issues and people in this country.

As Christians we serve the living GOD first and foremost. Yet it is still important that as Canadians we be informed; that we abide in the Lord and seek His guidance now and make wise decisions for the coming elections. Most importantly, we need to humble ourselves and pray, really pray! Pray for the people and for this land for as long as we can until the Lord establishes His Kingdom here. (2 Chr. 7:14) (Is. 9:6; Rev. 11:15)

A Leader Is Called Out, linked here.

Keep the Faith, Suzanne ✝ ♥

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

The Mountain of GOD


This morning, a very tall and majestic-looking mountain appeared in a vision. Below the mountain and in the front centre of it, flowed a long body of water. It could have been a river. And though my gaze and attention was captivated by the mountain, I knew that the water was surrounded on each side by foothills and trees. End of the Vision.


Although earthly leaders, people, kingdoms and nations – biblically symbolic of mountains, trees and foothills – have repeatedly risen, shaken and fallen as history bears witness; there is still one eternal and established kingdom that will remain and reign supreme over all. The all powerful Mountain and Kingdom of the Lord.

Despite what happens in this fallen world, the redeemed and the faithful who are ‘tabernacling’ with God are already glad and rejoicing over this awesome Mountain. (Eph. 2:6-7; Lk.17:20-21) And it will stand in majestic fullness during a time defined by Prophet Isaiah as the ‘last days’ which also includes the New Kingdom age. And it will be a time when new nations will stream into it after (and I am hearing ‘intense’ ) shaking, tribulation and even desolation. Again, it is yet another vision and marker that points to the last days. And one that reminds us of God’s sovereignty over the earth and all that is in it during these great, great, days of preparation.

Related Verses

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea: Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. (Ps. 46:4 Cf. Heb. 11:15-16)

In the last days’ the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will **stream to it. (Is. 2:2)

**Stream: Strong’s Concordance #5102: To sparkle, be cheerful, to flow, assemble

Recommended Reading, Psalm 46, linked here.

Keep the Faith, Keep focused on the Lord Jesus Christ and Keep Sparkling!

Suzanne ♥ ✝

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

The Church’s Super Power

Out of This World Faith!

Recently, the following Words were spoken: Inter Spatial and Inter Dimensional Faith.


Those who know scriptures know that we fight not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in spiritual realms; in high places. (Eph. 6:12; Mat. 18:18-20) And it’s a battle that must be waged with genuine godly faith! But it’s a battle that is futile and at worse can even be dangerous unless Christ is first and foremost made the Head, the mind, the leading King of all kings. He is after all the one who reigns sovereign over all heavenly and earthly authorities. (Mat. 28:18) And it is Him who calls and anoints whomever He wills. (Lk. 10:19-20; Jn. 5:21)

There is strength in numbers. And it is critically important that the Church takes a hold of His Word and redeeming Blood. And to come out of its crippling slumber, schisms, sins and deceptions so that it can emerge, without compromise, as a victorious and unified army and body of His Light during these shaking days. To repent, if need be, as has been posted here often. And to ask and receive the Holy Spirit so that GOD’S love, truth and genuine gifts can flow for the benefit of all during these critical days.

Believers are being prepared for the soon return of the Groom (I am hearing: gathering) and also for a future time when a remnant army of tribulation saints, found tried and true, will come back and ride with Him to rule during the millennial reign. (Rev. 19:11-16) After which time the serpent will be let lose for a season and will be defeated. Finally, it will all be over and it will be the time of the… New Earth. Praise GOD and thank you Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen.

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan. (Jer. 12:5)

Vision: Seeds of Faith, linked here.

Vision: 2025: Into the Future, linked here.

Keep the Faith, Suzanne ✝ ♥

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel

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