Three Crosses
In an early morning vision, three bodies on three crosses were shown in the distance – it was dark outside. In a second vision, I was caught up in an amazing and tremendous wind that carried the letters of the alphabet. The letters were flying at me, through and all around me. It can only be compared to being in a powerful wind tunnel of some kind. After understanding the vision the Word “Preach” was spoken.
Biblically Decoding the Vision
The three crosses symbolize the crucifixion scene which includes Jesus in the center with a malefactor on one side and a penitent thief on His other side. To remain within the context of the vision, it is significant to note that Jesus first resurrected. In second place, a penitent thief was also fated to resurrect. (Lk.23:43) In third place and by comparison, the non- penitent thief’s fate, though he will also arise – is tragically different. I am hearing “dead“.
The crucifixion scene is of utmost significance. It portrays the sacrificial redemption plan of GOD’S precious and unblemished Lamb, Jesus Christ, who physically expired and resurrected! But this whole scene also profoundly and symbolically points to future prophetic events. As was the case with the penitent sinner on the cross, it points to Believers who are dead to sin; who pick up their crosses daily and follow Christ faithfully through adverse circumstances. It also importantly points to the coming resurrection of the redeemed saints who are covenanted under the Blood of the Lamb and who will inherit heaven. In the case of the non-penitent malefactor, it points to the non-redeemed sinners who are dead in their sins. These are they who mock Jesus Christ, who have not accepted the plan of redemption and who will not inherit the heavenly kingdom. Instead, scriptures teach that they will ‘awaken’ to eternal contempt and tragically confront the white throne judgment. (Dan. 12:2-3)
“And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth (flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of GOD) shall awake, some to everlasting life (the first resurrection of the redeemed) and some to shame and everlasting contempt (the second resurrection unto damnation occurs after one thousand years after the first resurrection: the white throne judgment.) (Dan. 12:2)
Days of Darkness
The crucifixion scene was shown surrounded by darkness; it is biblically supported in Mat. 27:45 and Mk. 15:33 which confirm that on the day Jesus Christ was crucified, darkness prevailed in the land. And darkness which is void of light and life is also defined as a time of evil, upheaval and judgement. It coincides with the darkness of this age when rampant lawlessness, sin, immorality and apostasy has been prophesied to prevail. And with it a time when Justice will have its day!
“Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is darkness, and not light.” (Amos 5:18)
“And it shall come to pass in that day says the Lord GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day.” (Amos 8:9)
Heaven’s Clarion Call
The wind in the second vision symbolizes the amazing and mighty rushing Wind of the Holy Spirit (Acts. 2:2) In this case, the Wind carried letters of the alphabet and is symbolic of the Word of GOD. It is also symbolic of the Lord’s Spirit opening my understanding of the Word in relation to the first vision. (Jn. 14:26; Lk. 24:45) And with it, the call to make the vision known.
This is yet another message posted on the subject of the resurrection. I am hearing: “Heaven”. It is a call for all sinners everywhere to repent and to accept GOD’S complete plan of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, while time is still available. It is also a call and reminder for Believers to remain steadfast; to faithfully endure to the end; to occupy until He returns, and to be prepared and ready at all times. We will be infinitely glad and rejoice that we did! Our ultimate destination is, after all, Heaven!

Keep the Faith,
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