After praying for a message for the Church two days ago, I was shown a couple of red onion rings with their skins floating in a sink containing water and oil.
As I was thinking about these sliced red onions, I was told that they represented human attributes of the crimson sin nature. A nature that can only be cleansed by the washing of the Word (Bible – Eph. 5:26) and by sanctification through the Holy Spirit (oil) made available to us by the Lord Jesus Christ’s finished works on the Cross. I know, not a popular subject for many, right! But considering the prophetic days that are looming on the horizon, it is a timely message for each and every one of us – believers and unbelievers alike.
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 Jn.1-8)
The call to repent, to be prepared and ready has been posted repeatedly in different messages on this blog. I have never had revelatory visions, dreams and spoken words to the extent that I am presently experiencing. And with it came a calling to let others know, to be prepared and ready for the coming changes. In brief, it is the prophetic product of the latter day outpouring which calls for the repentance and conversion of the human heart. And it is by far the greatest healing miracle of all!
As I thought about the vision, another one was shown. This time, I was shown 7 bibles; 6 in a circle with 1 in the center. The bibles included: a Pentecostal expositor bible, a southern Baptist bible, a non-denominational bible, a spirit-filled bible authored by an evangelical Pentecostal Pastor (foursquare) and other nkjv and kjv bibles bearing no denominational affiliations. It was clearly understood that this bible circle represented these churches, including Believers who do not belong to any denomination but who read the Word. All are called to intently keep their focus – their center of attention – on the complete plan of redemption, as written in the Word. That is to say, on the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Word and who was represented as the Bible in the middle. All are called to be washed by the healing water of the Word and be sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Again, a timely message.
Together the Word and the Holy Spirit help to unpeel those onion skins – those fleshy and sinful attributes – that keep Believers shackled to sin – I am hearing ‘Darkness’. Together, they remove those layers and get to the core; to the heart of the matter. They reveal those things that keep the human heart dark and hard.
There is danger to believe that we have attained to a state of perfection – of believing that we have arrived. Even faithful Believers will never have fully arrived until that moment when we are transformed into our glorified bodies. Until that time when we are liberated from third dimensional laws. A time when the corrupted body returns to the ground and the soul and spirit are lifted. True, faithful believers have already risen to newness of life and stand at different levels of spiritual maturity and development; yet all will continue to undergo progressive sanctification. Despite the level of spiritual maturity and development we might think we have attained – how sanctified we believe we are – life can still throw at us unexpected curve balls. And how we react when that happens always remains to be seen and experienced. But even those curve balls are life lessons and opportunities to rise to higher heights of sanctification. And yet, even that having been said and even though GOD forgives, sanctification is no excuse to sin. There can still be consequences because we risk having activated third dimensional laws. It is the penalty for having having strayed away – from not having abided in His Spirit.
We cannot hype ourselves into heightened states of self-righteousness and perfection – nor in name and claim blessings – nor expect great miracles when we are not in true covenant with GOD. GOD is Love and is merciful and performs miracles as HE wills it but neither will HE be mocked (Gal. 6:7-8). That is to say, when unrepented sin has not been confessed; has not been effectively dealt with according to HIS plan of redemption through HIS beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
“ O wretched man that I (Apostle Paul) am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin.” (Rom. 7:23-25)
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider “ yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:12-14)
The Word calls us to become Christlike and to be holy as GOD is holy. And each and every day affords us the blessed opportunity to progressively reach into higher states of sanctification. The human heart can be deceptively unpredictable and hard (Jer.17:9) But praise be to God that the holy blood of redemption, the cleansing water of His Word and the anointing oil of the precious Holy Spirit can change the human heart like nothing else!

“As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” (Psalm 18:30)
Keep the Faith and Keep the Heart Soft,
Amen! Wonderful Word!
His Beautiful Grace and Mercy! Amen!
Grace and mercy! Together, they will rewrite a person’s life. It reminds me this morning of a beautiful song:
For years I traveled a road all wrong
My heart had lost every joy, oh every song
Till grace placed me right where I belong
When mercy rewrote my life
Mercy rewrote my life
Mercy rewrote my life
I could have fallen my soul cast down
But mercy rewrote my life
My mistakes God turned into miracles
Every tears was turned into joy
My sins, forgiven, a new name oh was written
When mercy rewrote my life
Mercy rewrote my life
Mercy rewrote my life
I could have fallen my soul cast down
But mercy rewrote my life
I could have fallen my soul cast down
But mercy rewrote my life
Blessings Sherry,
Mercy triumphs over judgment, I praise God for His mercy towards me.
God bless you