“I have set the LORD continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Ps. 16:8)
Yesterday evening during prayer, I asked the Lord that if He saw fit to send more visions, I would continue sharing them for the benefit of His Church and for His glory. Almost instantaneously, the following vision manifested:
The night stand on my right side was shown. At the bottom of my lamp – crystal in appearance with a silver base – rested a beautiful jeweled butterfly with unusual bright colors. It was standing on its wings.
Before interpreting the vision, a small explanation about the butterfly’s colors is warranted. Butterfly wings are covered with thousands of microscopic scales split into two or three layers and each scale has multiple layers separated by air. When light strikes these layers, it is reflected numerous times. It is the iridescent reflection of this light that creates the very intense colors; some extending even into the ultraviolet spectrum. This is where it gets interesting – these magnified ultraviolet rays and colors are not visible to the human eye, only to butterflies and to each other. It might even be surprising for some to know, that ultraviolet light is also emitted through their wings. And ultraviolet light is what guides the North American Butterfly (U.S. and Canada) to migrate all the way to Mexico each year. The Monarch can travel an epic 3,000 miles with its small wings to arrive at its destination.

After the vision, I looked over at the night table in real life and observed how everything was meaningfully positioned. The butterfly stood between a salt lamp on one side and the crystal Lamp on the other. And all were positioned on a fine white laced linen doily. The vision was immediately understood.
The Butterfly – through its stages of development- symbolizes the faithful Believer who undergoes stages of transformation to finally emerge as that magnificent new creature in Christ. (Phil. 1:6; 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 5:3-6; 2 Cor 5:7; Rom. 12:2). We are called to accommodate this divinely-appointed process until one day when the slightest tingling and movement of unfolding wings is felt and a butterfly is getting ready to fly! And because the Christ Light is reflecting on those faithful Believers’ wings, these prepared ones are able to illuminate the dark places of this fallen world. Rest assured that just as butterflies navigate by ultraVIOLET light that is detected only by them, so it is that new creatures in Christ uniquely navigate by a Light that goes way beyond the ultraviolet spectrum; to somewhere beyond space and time:
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying,“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will notwalk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (Jn. 8:12)
Butterfly, emit your Light and let it shine! Be the salt of the earth (salt lamp) in a dark world. You are securely positioned on His foundation of redemption and righteousness (the fine white linen doily). You are equipped! As His precious jeweled work you are so, so valuable in the Lord’s sight. In the similitude of a butterfly who can detect ultraviolet-light effects, so can you detect and discern the Christ Light in different situations and in others – you have butterfly vision! You have iridescent wings of Light; so it is that you will effortlessly navigate to your epic destination: Home! You are no longer hidden, your incubation time is over, you are free, you have emerged out of your cocoon. It’s time to fly far and to fly high on the thermal winds of the Holy Spirit!

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its savor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the Light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead they set it on a stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Mat. 5:13-16)
With praises and all glory to our FATHER in the name of His honoured, beloved and glorified Son, Jesus Christ. ~
Keep the Faith, it gives wings to fly!
Hi Dove,
That was awesome! God is so good! Just amazing how He creates and uses His creation to teach spiritual truth. Awesome God!
Hi Sherry,
GOD truly is good, awesome and so captivatingly interesting. 🙂 We are awesomely blessed.
one more thing, how did you know about the scales covering the wings? That is truly amazing. God’s creativity amazes me.
I learned about it some years ago after reading some scientific literature about this exquisite creature we know as the Butterfly. Some in the scientific field now believe they even communicate with each other through ultraviolet Light. Interesting eh!