This evening while reading into the Psalms, I came upon the following verses and not by happenstance.
Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord; who walks in His ways. For You shall eat the labor of your hands: happy shall you be, and it shall be well with you. Your Wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of your house: your children like olive plants round about your table…..Yes, you shall see your children’s children, and peace upon Israel. (Psalm 128)
Said more appropriately, these verses boomed out of their hallowed pages because they confirmed a vision recently posted of a woman standing – hiding – in a Vine. It was as though she were part of its fruit, branches and leaves.
Psalm 128 is clearly directed at Israel. That is to say, Israel is compared to a woman, a wife and a fruitful vine that will be redeemed in the New Kingdom age. At that time, She will finally have accepted Her Messiah, Jesus Christ, as her Covenant Husband and ‘the Vine’ in which she is called to abide in. At that time, She will produce descendants and anointed Believers in all nations (olive plants) who will form part of Israel’s New Commonwealth. (Rom. 11:10-17)
Tragically and until then, She is described as a ‘wife of whoredoms’ who has “children of whoredoms”. This is figuratively discerned in the Book of Hosea when he was called to marry Gomer. Gomer typified an unfaithful wife who broke her covenant vows by worshiping other gods. But! She and her descendants are nonetheless still destined to return to the LORD. Interestingly, Gomer’s name in the Hebrew means: “to end, come to an end, complete.” Indeed, Israel’s time of unfaithfulness, including the unfaithfulness of Her descendants, will come to an end in the end!
The beginning of the Word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto you a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land has committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD. (Hos. 1:2)
Psalm 128 confirms Israel’s place and time of great peace in the New Kingdom age. It is important to note, too, that based on Christ’s New Covenant, there are no longer Jews nor Gentiles, we have become One in Him. (Gal. 3:28) It follows that the Woman in the Vine is also now indicative of all faithful Believers who abide in Him. We are so blessed and ought to be extremely grateful to GOD because of Israel; without Her, the gospel might not have come to the Gentiles as early as it did. Praise GOD and thank you Lord Jesus.
You can read about Jesus as the true abiding Vine here.
Keep the Faith,
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