The Vision
In a vision a few days ago a man exhaustively crawling on his stomach was shown. He was attempting to go up some stairs that led to a closed door of some type of large structure. It was evident that he had no strength left to make it up the stairs to open the door.
The Interpretation
I (Jesus Christ) am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (Jn. 10:9-11)
There is coming a time of darkness when the door to the heavenly temple will be shut for many; a time when there will be gnashing of teeth for the unprepared! (Mat. 22:11-13; Mat. 24:37-40; Mat. 25:5-10) Jesus Christ is the only One who made the Stairway passable to heaven through His finished works. And even though we are called to Rest in Him; we are also called to Be Prepared, to Watch and to Occupy (Rev. 19:7; Mat. 24:36-51; Lk.19:13; Mat. 25:40-46) Our beloved Lord warned and confirmed that dark days of tribulation will precede His Return to gather the faithful. (Mat. 24:29-31) Again and as noted many, many times: Believers and Unbelievers alike are called to not put off until tomorrow what is in their power to do today!
Recommended Reading: Matthew Chapter 24
Before The Door Shuts
Keep the Faith, Suzanne ❤ +
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