Recent Dream
Suddenly I saw a horizontal, oblong, air balloon-like object cross the street at an intersection. It crossed from the right side to the left side and was flying at an unusually low altitude. I said out loud that it reminded me of the Hindenburg Zeppelin that exploded in New Jersey, NY, decades back. And the dream ended.

One Thing Leads To Another
Interestingly I did not factually know until after the dream that the highly-flammable, Hydrogen-filled Hindenburg exploded when it was attempting to land. It explains why it appeared as flying low. And it was while researching information for this dream that I discovered that Isotopes of Hydrogen mixed with extremely high pressure forms Helium (having an atomic number of ‘2′) which creates nuclear fission. (Source: Britannica)

“Nuclear fission is a reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into ‘2 or more’ smaller nuclei. The fission process often produces GAMMA photons and releases a very large amount of energy even by the energetic standards of radioactive decay.” (Source: Wikipedia)
Repetitive 2’s
I am not confirming that the balloon seen in the dream was a nuclear threat. But it does explain the association of the repetitive 2’s seen in a previous vision related to GAMMA Rays and nuclear activity.
Vision: Gamma Rays and the Number 2, link here.
This post will most likely be revisited.
Keep the Faith, Suzanne ♥ ✝
Dove of Revelation YouTube
Dove, please check out T CrB, it is a dwarf star, this pertains to the gamma rays and nuclear explosion. I think you’ll like it.
Thank you Sherry. I will look into it. Much blessings, Suzanne