US Political Elections In Review

It was shown and already decided on October 23, 2024, that this particular presidential candidate would be ousted in a big way. Link here.

And it was already decided that DJT would be victorious in July 2024. In a vision, he was shown standing on a map close to the Mexican border. In retrospect, it meant that he would be elected and would ‘take a stand’ at the border where illegal immigrants and criminals enter. Mass deportations are already taking place during his first week as President. The critical importance of being guided/fed by the Lord Jesus Christ who sits at the right side of the FATHER in heaven was also shown. Link of vision here.

Politics in Canada

Vision: A timer of some kind was shown being dialed back from its top position to about two notches back, at about the 10th mark. It was understood that it pointed to a delay. Trudeau thereafter resigned and consequently prorogued the Canadian Parliament until March 24th. Though the Liberals remain in power, all parliamentary activity including existing bills, committee work, studies and investigations are being ‘delayed.‘ It’s a setback that affects many issues and people in this country.

As Christians we serve the living GOD first and foremost. Yet it is still important that as Canadians we be informed; that we abide in the Lord and seek His guidance now and make wise decisions for the coming elections. Most importantly, we need to humble ourselves and pray, really pray! Pray for the people and for this land for as long as we can until the Lord establishes His Kingdom here. (2 Chr. 7:14) (Is. 9:6; Rev. 11:15)

A Leader Is Called Out, linked here.

Keep the Faith, Suzanne ✝ ♥

Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel