The Visions
Two mornings ago, it was shown and revealed that the Church at large is in the enemy’s cross hairs. The vision was also followed by beautiful white flowers which is a fragrant call to intercessory prayer.
Urgency of the Hour
After understanding the interpretation, I prayerfully asked if these visions should be made known. And even before having finished asking, the following Words of Knowledge were spoken: “Right Now.” (Is. 65:24) Right is the root word of Righteousness. And not only does it mean that this is a critical time for the Church at large to get right with the Lord, it also means that it is a righteous thing to let this matter be known immediately, instantly and at once. Timing is important because it can be favourably preemptive.
The enemy is up to no good and it should not be surprising; these are the latter days! If for whatever reason you might have back slid or are under attack, enter into the privacy of your prayer chamber and pray with faith. Believe that the Lord is gracious to forgive and answers the prayers of the redeemed who are contrite in spirit.
And this is the confidence that we have before Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (1 Jn. 5:14)
Keep the Faith.
Prayerfully, Suzanne ✝ ♥
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