“For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son so that whosoever believe in Him will not perish but have life eternal.” (Jn. 3:16)
Prefacing the Message
The most sacrosanct historical event and doctrine of truth honored by faithful Christians worldwide is the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of all the visions shown, the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ is the one that I hold the dearest to my heart. It brings memories of GOD’S extreme and unfathomable Love for fallen humanity and of a concealed and unique plan that had been orchestrated and spearheaded by the Lord Himself ages before. A divine plan that originated in the garden many generations earlier began wending its way in the lineages of Adam, on through the Hebraic Age and to His ultimate advent amongst a chosen people over two thousand years ago. When Jesus advocated forgiving offenders 70 x 7 times, He was referring – on a higher note – to this long-time concealed yet prophetic plan of redemption that had been woven in the fabric of time and which culminated with His selfless Sacrifice. Jesus paid a high price to succor us from entrapment under Satan’s authority and influences. And although it was my preference to keep this vision private, it was recently recognized that it was shown as a testimony for the world.
The Vision
I am suddenly being shown an aerial view of the Crucifixion scene; it was different from anything else I had seen in pictures and movies. It was dark and I was aware that people had lit small fires here and there on a flat ground in the distance. And it was by the glow, by the light, of these amber-flickering fires that I saw Jesus. The bottom of the Cross on which He hung stood maybe only about 1 to 2 feet up from above the ground. The top part of the Cross was not as long as is depicted in illustrations or images- only perhaps one to 2 feet above Jesus’ head. I could see by the placement of His shoulders that our dear Lord had His arms over and around the horizontal bars, not straight out. His head hung down towards his chest and veered to the left a little. His long hair dangled and fully covered His face. Jesus, at this point, had lost consciousness I was immensely, profoundly, struck by His humanity. This mighty and holy Son of GOD – a Majesty in heaven – hung on that deadly Cross as a man. A man who felt all the pain associated with a human body. And yet so, so, much more because He also bore humanity’s mental, physical and spiritual burdens. No written words can make this scene justice… Behind Jesus and not too far in the distance was a huge wall of rock, it could have been an escarpment, I am not sure. I could not see the whole of it because I was too close to Jesus to peripherally see any further. The vision lingered a little and then faded. Amen.
Golgotha means skull. On that fateful and prophetic day, Jesus’ Cross crushed the summit of Mount Golgotha. It crushed Satan’s skull; dethroning him from all authority. The life of the blood that flowed from Jesus’ veins and trickled down Mount Golgotha – also symbolic of the lost one’s kingdom – had the power to release lost souls who had been held captive under Satan’s authority. The head of the serpent had been crushed and the supreme Head of the Church and of the New Kingdom took His place of authority. Praise GOD! Praise the Lord!
Some time later, the following Words of Knowledge were spoken: “Two Drops On the Cross.” This symbolized that with the blood, water also flowed from our Lord’s side. Because of His blood sacrifice, Jesus released the waters of the precious Holy Spirit. I am hearing “gift”. And what a gift it is! A gift that deserves the utmost honor and respect in our lives.
“Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)
Because of Jesus’ Sacrifice, repentant sinners receive forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Because of His Sacrifice, repentant sinners become justified, sanctified (instantaneously but also progressively) and will ultimately be glorified. There is no one else on earth, below earth or above the earth, empowered to forgive and give Life – and life eternal – to the Lost. Jesus’ sacrifice was the final blow that defeated Satan, it was the final nail in death’s coffin!
I pray that this testimony blesses you as much as it has humbled and blessed me for many years. And even more now, many years later. Thank you GOD. Thank you Lord God Jesus. Sometimes, there are no human words to describe the gratitude of a saved soul.
“Oh Death where is your sting? O Hades where is your victory? The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:55-58)
Keep the Faith in the Lord’s Finished Works,
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