“Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision. And make it plain on tablets. That he may run who reads it.” (Hab. 2:2)
In a vision during prayer this morning, a church bench made of wood was shown. It was as though I was standing in the aisle, looking on my right side and down the length of this bench. The front bench ahead of this one, however, was not levelled to the ground. It stood higher up in the air. I had the impression – a knowing – that there were more benches in front of the previous ones that were positioned increasingly higher. Suddenly, a man wearing hiking boots comes running from the right side escalating the back of the bench and stepping on to the higher bench in front of it. On and on he would hike and escalate these benches. Immediately following the vision, the following Words were spoken: “WRITE IT DOWN.”
The Spoken Words “WRITE IT DOWN” means to let the vision be known so that he who reads it can benefit from it.
It is clear that this message is a call for the church to rise to higher heights of faith in the Lord and in His finished works. Many are unable to escalate and experience breakthroughs in the Church today because there is a lack of faith, unconfessed and/or unrecognized sin in their lives. This is a time to fully recognize that Jesus Christ can forgive and redeem all sins for those who will confessedly come to Him seeking pardon. This is a time to recognize that there exists a Holy Comforter and Counsellor who can help during times of doubts and duress. This is a time to recognize that the written Word provides the blueprint to living life in heightened states of faith. And this is a time to clear and cleanse the mind and the heart!
Some in the Church today still have one foot in the world and are unable to climb higher. Some are trying to live their lives according to their own wills instead of aligning themselves with GOD’s Will. Others are attempting to manipulate the Word to suit their purposes instead of allowing the Word to show them their purposes. Some others are led astray by false doctrines. Still some others are so saddled with the cares of the world, given to discouragement and so riddled with fear that it has paralyzed them. Some say they have faith and believe but do they really? Most are trying to escalate through the wide road of the world and of wavering belief instead of the narrow way which the Lord has made passable.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. “(Mat. 7:13-14)
We are living in awesome times of repentance as we await the return of the Lord to stake His claim in full in Believers’ hearts and minds. It is pouring rain but many are unable to hear it, nor see it, nor receive it because their minds and hearts are cluttered with too much debris. It has deafened and blinded the wayward and sometimes even the unsuspecting Believer. There is an awesome Light of truth and of Love beckoning the faltering Believer to climb to higher heights of faith and belief in the finished works of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can do this thing! You have been equipped with the proper footware! Some are already coming! I am feeling a sense of excitement about this vision!!
This is a time to take stock of ourselves! This is a time to get real! It is high time for the church to come out of entrapments and make that hike onward and upward towards the Lord’s Light and receive the blessings!
A “prophetic” word this one! (Spoken Word of Knowledge)
“The path of life leads upward for the wise. That he may keep away from Sheol.” (Prov. 15:24)
“Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. “ (Is. 60:1)
Keep the Faith! Suzanne
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