A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. (Eccl. 3:6)
First Morning of 2025
I asked the Lord in prayer if He had a message for His Church for 2025. The answer came in the form of a vision: An open trash can was shown.
2025: A Time to Discard the Waste!
The Church is called to come out of offences, sin, discord, turmoil, deception, wrongful doctrines and divisiveness. In accordance with GOD’S Word, it is being called to discard the trash that besets it so that it can rise and shine as that awesome, uncompromising and unified Body of faith it was intended to be. (Eph. 4:11-13) It’s a critical but simple message really and one that uniquely applies to Believers.
2023 In Review
A review of a vision shown for 2023 is linked here because it still applies and will continue to do so until our Lord returns. 2023 was a pivotal time in history because bible prophecies began unfolding in unprecedented ways. And with it, the Latter-day bucket (or trash can) began filling up worldwide…the Holy Spirit reveals things in amazing ways. Praise be to GOD with thanksgiving!
Let us be found faithful, praying, watching, discerning and prepared. Time runs.
Recommended Reading: Ecclesiastes Chapter 3
I pray this message blesses you today.
Keep the Faith, Suzanne ✝ ♥
Dove of Revelation YouTube Channel
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