Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” (Eph. 4:8)
In a vision recently an open bag containing bright white adult running shoes, with colored stripes, were shown. Suddenly, a scene on a GPS screen which displayed multiple roads and points of interest appeared in mid air. But my attention was drawn to a major highway which was marked with a large Sunflower. The scene changed and a separate vision was shown in which more bags were placed in front of Believers.
Your Own Unique Gift
The greatest gift ever accorded to mankind is salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ’s finished works on the Cross. But our Lord’s love and generosity for His people doesn’t stop there! After having descended on this planet and ascending back on high, He gave and continues to give Believers their own unique spiritual gifts for their own transformative benefits and for the purpose of harmoniously blessing others in the Body of Christ. (1 Cor. 12:4-11) So with that in mind, back to the visions and what it means to the Church.
What About that Sunflower?!
Well, my goodness! A Sunflower is a type of angiosperm plant which means, that although it appears to have only one large flower head, it is actually composed of thousands of tiny florets at its center. The word angiosperm which is derived from the Greek translates angeion to mean “vessel” and sperma to mean “seed”. And each of the tiny florets inside the Sunflower has reproductive capabilities of producing their own seeds? Altogether, the bright golden Sunflower can produce anywhere between 1,000 to 2,000 seeds.

A Home Run
The Lord, through the Holy Spirit, is gifting His mature saints with proper footwear for the purpose of evangelizing the good news of salvation (adult running shoes). White represents the Lord’s righteousness, holiness and purity appropriated by the mature Christian who abides in Him. And the colored stripes represent the Holy Spirit’s diverse methods of operations. The Lord is He who guides the Believer to where He must go as symbolically discerned by the mapped GPS. (Ex. 13:21-22) And each one who is genuinely called has a specific road he must travel.
Altogether the Holy Spirit is conveying that when the Lord calls a Believer, He will ensure that he is properly equipped to walk this earth in fulfillment of his earthly mission until He returns Home to Him. The “vessel” or the Believers’ responsibility is to continuously abide in Christ, who is the Head of the Church, in order to be transformed into His image and to propagate His Seed which is His Word. (Lk. 8:11; Mk. 16:15) It is by analogy comparable to the seed-bearing florets who abide in the Sunflower’s large Head. (Eph. 1:22; Eph. 5:23; Col. 1:18; 2:10). In brief, the Lord is the glorious Sunflower Head and we are the abiding florets!
Scriptures clearly teach that when the Lord resurrected, He gave gifts to men. That is to say, to those who believe Him, abide in Him and are called in His service! Do not doubt for one moment that you are gift..less in this respect! Keep the Seed in your Heart which is the Word of GOD! Let the transformative power of the precious Holy Spirit stoke you each day! Receive your gift with praise and thanksgiving! And then go out and claim the territory you have been assigned!
Affiliated Verses:
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. (Gen. 1:29)
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” (Is. 52:7)
And I have led you forty years in the wilderness. Your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandals have not worn out on your feet. (Deut. 29:5)
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses. I’m giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on – just as I promised Moses. I have given you every place where the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised Moses. (Joshua 1:3-4)
Keep the Faith,
Picture Credit: Pixabay
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