Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me. (Jn.14:6 Cf. Gen. 1:3; Jn. 1:15)

The linked message previously posted in April 2022, is once again being brought up for Israel’s timely and profound consideration. I have absolutely no doubt that at the time this vision was shown, specific plans to attack Israel were already in the making. The message entitled “The Blind Woman” can be read here.

As Believers we ought to pray not only for the Peace of Israel during this time of war but to pray also that Her eyes will be illuminated by the Light of truth contained in scriptures. That is to say, that She will begin to recognize Her Messiah concealed in the Old Testament and Her Messiah revealed in the New Testament sooner rather than later. Even still, prophecies will unfold according to scriptures and we know that after much tribulation Israel will be saved out.

Praise GOD and thank you Son of the living God, Lord, God, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Messiah of all Believers.

Keep the Faith,
