A Christian Website where revelatory Dreams, Visions, the Word of GOD and Words of Knowledge are shared.

Category: Visions (Page 19 of 41)

Prophetic Christian visions are shared for the benefit of all

Food of Righteousness

A Large Portion of Meat

In a vision this morning, a wide meat counter was shown. The emphasis was placed on a large party tray of roasted meat displayed on the right side of this counter.

Immediately following the vision, these verses came to mind:

Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But *strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. *(Heb. 5:11-14)

A Mature and Immature People

In these verses, the writer of the Book of Hebrews (most likely Apostle Paul) was conveying that an immature people who still partook of the infancy food of scriptures, milk, remained in a state of arrested spiritual development: a baby. They were unable to masticate and digest the strong meat that would allow them to discern good and evil through the finished works of Jesus Christ. He referred to them as unskillful and unlearned in righteousness because their senses lacked discernment. The writer compared them to a mature people who studied the Word and who partook of it throughout life’s experiences. A people blessed with discernment.

A Large Portion

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Mat. 5:6)

In past visions over the years, the bread of life, fruit, herbs, salt, water, wine, meat and even milk are biblical foods that have all been shown. But this vision differed from the others because it was a very large portion of meat, a party tray, that was presented. I believe the Lord is calling a great number of people to be weaned off the milk in order to partake of the stronger teachings contained in scriptures. Like He did when He walked the earth, the Lord will open their understanding and provide for those who hunger for present-day righteousness and discernment. (Lk. 24:45) The Lord is looking for a people who hunger for the deeper things of GOD; righteousness, knowledge, wisdom and understanding as revealed by, not only the Word, but also by the most Holy Spirit. In turn, it will help them recognize and navigate through the evil of these perilous times that characterize the latter days. A veritable feast is freely available for those who seek and belong to HIM. Praise GOD and thank you Lord!

Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament. And those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. (Dan. 12:2-4)

Keep the Faith. Keep shining bright. Stay thirsty and hungry! It will bless you and others as well.


Garments of Righteousness

Now Joshua (a high priest) was clothed with filthy garments (an indication of his guilt concerning Israel’s sins and a corrupted Priesthood) and stood before the angel. And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with with change of raiment. (Zech. 3:3-4)

Garments of Light

In a vision very early this morning, a door to a washing machine was open to reveal clean, white garments. The cleaning cycle was complete. The garments were so bright and super white, that an aura of light emanated from out of the washing machine. Sometimes words fail to convey how strong but beautiful some visions can be…

From a biblical perspective, white represents righteousness, holiness, purity. By contrast, filth is biblically defined as: sin, unbelief, like the Pharisees a legalistic and hardcore religiosity of man’s traditions, including anything and everything else that is unrighteousness.) But, our loving GOD, through the merciful and sacrificial act of His Son Jesus Christ, in turn, dresses repented Believers with clean robes of holiness and righteousness. Robes that are free of the stains and spots of sin.

When we come to the Lord with contrite repentance and receive salvation, we as Believers are washed from the guilt of sin by the blood of the Lamb which instantly justifies, sanctifies and ultimately glorifies us. And yet in order to retain that salvation, progressive sanctification is also part of GOD’S plan of redemption. It’s not an excuse to sin; no, far from it! But depending on our level of spiritual maturity, we are a work in progress through the sanctifying operations of the indwelling Holy Spirit and the Word. (Phil. 1:6)

New Assignments and Works

After Joshua was instructed that He would receive a change of garment, the Angel of the LORD then tells him that he would judge His House on condition that he would keep his charge. Importantly, he was told that a ‘Stone’ with ‘seven eyes’ would go before him. And that in ‘one day’ Israel’s iniquity would be removed. That ‘Stone’ would be Jesus Christ whose sacrificial death would remove Israel’s sin, if only they would accept and believe Him. Tragically and as history testifies, that did not happen. But GOD will not be outdone, it will take place when Christ returns with the ‘seven trumpet angels’ who now stand before HIM.

All this to say that GOD is looking for a people who are ready to receive super white bridal garments. A priestly people whose works will be carried out in Christ’s righteousness and not with filthy rags. Works that will eventually follow them to heaven. (Rev. 14:13) And works that will make them fit to reign with Him during the New Millennium as Priests and Kings. (Rev. 1:6; 5:10) It is my personal opinion only that GOD might well be selecting HIS people now for that time.

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. (1 Pet. 2:9)

Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ (Rev. 19:7-9)

He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. (Rev. 3:5)

Keep On Keeping On

My goodness! The Words of the Book are coming to life. What an exciting time be alive! It behooves us to make every day an opportunity to live as Overcomers. And to be properly positioned in the Lord’s Righteousness in order to work effectively in the harvest fields until the time of fulfillment.

Keep the Faith. And may GOD’S Word and Spirit abundantly bless you today. Praise GOD and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.


(Picture Credit: Unsplash)

An Alarm!

When I say unto the wicked, ‘Thou shalt surely die,’ and you give him not warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. (Ezek. 3:18)

Word of Knowledge spoken early this afternoon: Alarm

I do not know what is fixing to happen but the Lord’s Words to Ezekiel are reverberating through space and time. Awake people of the nations! Repent from ungodly ways, humble yourselves with reverence in front of the Lord. Prayerfully turn to Him so your land can be healed. So that as many as are called can be saved. Turn to the Son while He might be found! Blessed are they who take refuge in Him.

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chr. 7:14)

To protract a great design is to put it in jeopardy.

In Christ,


Called To A Different Platform

When Called….

A vision was shown a couple of months ago that will cause changes in different ways. Suddenly, a small moving wind was shown with white letters moving inside. And just as suddenly, the letters took their proper order to reveal: “Start Your Own Youtube Channel.” (!)

Since then it has been in the works. As some of you already know, there is a great deal to learn when setting up a YouTube channel considering video clips, pictures, voice overs and everything else involved. The plan is to have it launched sometime this summer, perhaps sooner. For those who prefer a reading format, the blog will continue as is and will be a spin off for YouTube.

All this to share with you all that when called, it is imperative that we obediently respond – despite the resistance. At the same time, I would like to encourage those of you who have been called or are being called to push through regardless of all obstacles. Stand strong in the Word, Christ’s authority, His righteousness and holiness.

The Light that Is Christ

I am the Light of the World….(Jesus Christ)

May the Light of the Lord’s awesome face bless you and shine upon you. Remain in His Light dear brothers and sisters. It is the place where our ultimate home awaits us. (A white large circular Light was shown in a vision a few days ago. It was a Light that Charles Stanley appeared to walk into. It was clearly announced: “He Is Coming In.” I am not familiar with his theology; even still, Doctor Stanley is at Home where GOD and the Lamb are the Light. Well done good and faithful servant, enter into His joy.) Praise GOD and thank you Lord.

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then I said, “Here am I! Send me. (Is. 6:8)

Keep the Faith in the Lord and His finished works, everyday.


A Spiritual Outpouring

And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. (Joel 2:28-29)

A foreword

[Following today’s posted message entitled: All Things Precious and Sweet, concerns arose as to whether or not earthly churches are still needed. Yes, absolutely!! Genuine churches that teach the unadulterated Word are, for sure, still needed! There is a time coming, and it is already happening , when many will be awakened by the Holy Spirit. And with it, genuine scriptural instruction will be direly needed. A genuine five fold ministry will blossom during these days with souls heralding and teaching the gospel of the good news with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 10:14-15, 17; Joel 2:28-29 Cf. Acts 2:17) It is all part of prophecy which teaches that the Word must be proclaimed to all the earth before ‘the end’ comes. But it is also of paramount importance that we do not neglect prayerfully meeting with the Lord within our private holy temples and tabernacles. (1 Cor. 3:16; Rev. 21:3]

Water In Abundance

In a second vision yesterday, a bright silver stainless steel faucet with fresh, clear water abundantly pouring out appeared in my field of vision. Silver symbolizes the Word of GOD and water is symbolic of the works of the Holy Spirit. It confirms that GOD’S Word is the spirit of life that awakens, instructs, revivifies and energizes all who partake of it. It is a work of the Holy Spirit that is being poured out during these latter days for all who will receive it! And all this made possible because of Jesus’ finished works on the Cross for us! Praise GOD and thank you precious Lord Jesus Christ!

Affiliated Verses

Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. (Prov. 1:23)

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. (Freely given t us because of Jesus Christ’s finished works.) (Is. 55:1)

And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let him that heareth say, “Come.” And let him that is athirst come; and whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. (Rev. 22:17)

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jn. 14:6)

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. (Jn. 6:63)

Feet Like A Deer: Related Link

Keep the Faith, always. There is a great spiritual work taking place, let us take care not to miss it.


All Things Precious & Sweet

Shortly after prayerfully asking the Lord if He had a message for the Church yesterday evening, two visions unfolded:

How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Ps. 119:103)

Oh, How Sweet It Is

In this vision, pages from the Holy Bible were opened. Suddenly, what appeared to be small bright silver and gold bars fell on the open pages. As I looked closer, it was apparent that they were edible, very delicious and sweet.

Precious Blessings

Silver symbolically represents redemption and truth contained in the refined Word. (Ps. 12:6-7) And Gold is symbolically associated with GOD’S glory, divinity, kingship and eternal deity. In brief, the vision conveys that Believers who keep partaking of the Holy Spirit-inspired Word of GOD and apply it in their lives daily will be richly blessed.

The Secret Sweet Place

Not to be exempted is the precious reflection and beauty of the silver and gold contained in the temple and tabernacle. Altogether, it means that following the implementation of our beloved Jesus Christ’s New Covenant, faithful Believers have now become that holy tabernacle and temple that is not pitched with human hands. (Heb. 8:2; 1 Cor. 3:16). We, as Believers and followers of Christ, really need to recognize and understand just how gloriously awesome that really is! It is the secret place where we partake of the silver and the gold; that is to say, of the riches of GOD’S revelations. And it is the most holy sacred place where we can worship Him in Spirit and in truth, communicate with HIM, and behold HIS awesome glory and brilliant splendor. Praise GOD and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

Almost immediately another vision was shown that expands on the meaning of the first one. But for the sake of brevity, it will be the subject of the next message. Until then I pray that our great and magnificent GOD of glory, righteousness and heavenly beauty keep each and everyone of us in all our ways. And may HIS awesome Word and Holy Spirit continue to bless and transform us richly from glory to glory and ever so…..sweetly. (2 Cor. 3:18; 1 Jn.3:2) In Jesus’ treasured, precious and most holy Name. Amen.

Keep the Faith,


Picture Credit: Unsplash/Pixabay

The Hundredfold Blessing

Now Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. And the Lord blessed him, (Gen. 26:12)

The Vision – The One Hundred Dollar Bill

In a vision last week, a folded $100 dollar bill was shown.

Clearly this $100 dollar bill symbolizes a large spiritual currency that yields high profit, on earth and in heaven. It is biblically known as the hundredfold blessing. In brief, it is a reward given in return to faithful Believers who have sown the Word in their lives. (Recommended Reading: Mat: 13:1-23)

Spoken Words of Knowledge: Abundant and Value

The Dream – Build It And They Will Come

Very importantly, the hundredfold blessing is also given to those who have sown in the ministry fields. To those genuine and faithful souls who have sacrificed a great deal on earth in order to fulfill their GOD-called missions through evangelism and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:1-11) In a dream this morning, I see a small group of construction workers; a group of laborers involved in building some type of gathering place. It symbolized a common place where multitudes would gather to hear and learn about the Word. About the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. As noted in previous messages, there is a great harvest coming in and we must be prepared to accommodate the lost! (Mat. 9:37-38)

Affiliated Verses

Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. (Jn. 4:34-36)

Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold (the folded one hundred dollar bill) and inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first. (Mat. 19:27-30)

Be Encouraged!

The vision and dream, together, are posted with the intent of encouraging those who have been called to ministry to keep on keeping on! There is a great reward and blessing involved with this work. But! It bears noting that the work is not carried out because of the blessing and rewards. Primarily, it is because we love the Lord and we love to see souls saved out of darkness within the sphere of influence He guides us to operate in. And yet, regardless of circumstances and outcomes, when there is a genuine call on your life and the Holy Spirit lights a fire inside of you, the work will go on! It is also posted to encourage Believers to contribute in whatever way they can as moved by the Holy Spirit to help these ones carry out such a great heavenly-ordained assignment. In one way or another, we are all into this thing together!

Keep the faith! Praise GOD our FATHER and thank you Lord God Jesus.


Picture Credits: Unsplash, Pixabay

Song of Judgment

(Words of Knowledge were spoken three times this morning to post this updated vision with its accompanying interpretation. )

The Vision

This morning I was shown a vision of bright green foliage. The leaves resembled some type of herb. Small streams of water, recognized to be rain, showered the leaves which were situated near an open door (2 Cor. 2:12), two white candlesticks (Rev. 11:4; Zech. 4:14) and an angel heralding a message of Love for GOD’S children. (Ps. 103:20).

The Song of Moses – Deuteronomy 32

In Deuteronomy 32, the Lord instructs Moses to write a song as a witness against the children of Israel. It was to remind them that though they would be blessed to dwell in a country flowing with milk and honey, they would turn to other gods and break His covenant. And that when evil and troubles would befall them, their descendants would witness with ‘The Song of Moses.’ (Deut. 31:19:22) The following verses begin to shed light on the vision:

Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; And hear, O earth the words of my mouth. Let my teaching drop as the rain. My speech distilled as the dew, as raindrops on the tender herb, and as showers on the grass. For I proclaim the name of the LORD. Ascribe greatness to our GOD. (Deut. 32: 1-3)

Significantly meaningful are subsequent verses declaring that GOD’S people are the apple of HIS eye. Coincidence considering the timing of the last posted message entitled: The Eye Upon Us? Absolutely not! GOD makes HIS Word known in perfect ways and according to HIS timing!

He found him (Jacob/Israel) in a desert land. And in the wasteland, a howling wilderness: He encircled him, He instructed Him, He kept him as the apple of His eye. As an eagle stirs up its nest, Hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings, (The Lord will elevate His faithful people above their enemies) so the Lord alone led him and there was no foreign God with him. (Deut. 32:10-12)

The Song of Moses is too lengthy to capture in this blog. Suffice to say for now that this vision is primarily to witness to Israel. To bring to remembrance the goodness of GOD towards HIS people. To instruct them to abstain from evil, idolatry and self-reliance. To return to be in covenant with HIM – the FATHER. A Covenant that has waxed old but has been newly ratified through His Son Jesus Christ. (Heb.8:13) And it is a New Covenant that is based on GOD’S Love as seen in the angel who heralded the message of Love. Indeed! For GOD so loved the world that HE sent HIS only begotten Son that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life!! (Jn. 3:16)

Israel, and all you wayward Gentile nations, do not overlook such a great warning and instruction! (Psalm 2) Return to the Lord and remain under the protection of His mighty wings! Any other alternative will prove disastrous.

And I saw something like a sea of glass, mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass having harps of god. They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: Great and marvelous are Your works Lord God almighty. just and true are Your ways, O king of the saints! Who shall not fear You, O Lord and glorify Your name? For you alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before you for your Judgments have been manifested. (Rev. 15:3-4)

This message will be revisited.

The Blind Woman – Link:

Keep the Faith,


Picture Credit: Unsplash

The Eye Upon Us

A Sunday Morning Vision

In a morning vision yesterday, a large blue eye appeared from up above. It lingered there for a bit and then disappeared. Immediately, it was understood that the all seeing eye of GOD was being shown. Why blue? Perhaps because it is symbolic of a color associated with the sky, heaven and with Spirit. And, as testified in scriptures, GOD is described as a Spirit. (1 Jn. 4:24).

What It Means

When we place our trust and faith in GOD, we profoundly come to realize that HE sees all things – from the end to the beginning. Not excluding are the minutest details in a Believer’s life, including the exact number of hairs on his or her head. (Mat. 10:30) This vision serves to remind us that GOD is a personal and omnipresent FATHER who teaches, instructs and counsels us through HIS Word and with the aid of the Holy Spirit made available through Jesus’ finished works. When we come into covenant with the GOD of all creation through HIS glorified Son, we receive guidance from the highest level. Being in covenant with the FATHER also importantly means that we have been adopted as sons and daughters into HIS family. And that together we will eventually be glorified as joint heirs with Christ in the eternal New Kingdom. (Rom. 8:16-17)

GOD’S Pupil – GOD’S People

While contemplating this vision, thoughts of GOD’S faithful and obedient Believers being likened as the apple (pupil) of HIS eye came to mind. (Ps. 17:8, Prov. 7:2). According to the Hebraic text of Zechariah, some believe that it more accurately translates as: “the little man of his eye”. It bears noting that when we look deeply into someone’s eyes, we can actually see a tiny reflection of ourselves in their pupils. In this sense, GOD’S pupil reflect GOD’S people.

In Brief…

This vision is shared with the intent of encouraging other Believers while at the same time confirming the veracity of GOD’S Word. Regardless of exterior circumstances and situations, be encouraged today in knowing and believing that our celestial FATHER’S overseeing and guiding eye is always on you because that is how good, faithful and loving HE is! Praise GOD and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;
I will counsel you with My eye upon you. (Ps. 32:8)

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him (reverential fear)
On those who hope for His loving kindness, (Ps. 33:18)

I Will Provide (Spoken Words of Knowledge) (Phil. 4:19)

As always, Keep the Faith!


When Light Conquered Darkness

We as Believers are infinitely blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished works on the Cross for us! It is beyond human expression. Praise be to the risen King – the Light of the world! (Jn. 8:12)

Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 6:4-10)

The Final Nail In Death’s Coffin – Link:

Keep the Faith. Praise GOD the FATHER and thank you Lord God Jesus for the gift of a new and eternal life.


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