A few mornings ago while I was lying in bed, a beautiful large Cross of bright white Light hovered horizontally above me. The Cross was designed larger at the 4 points. It was immediately recognized as the “Victoria Cross”.
This Cross was seen before but I had never taken the time to fully understand its significance in the natural until this morning. The Victoria Cross – although its significance was amended over the years – is a medal of honor awarded for “the most conspicuous bravery, a daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty, in the presence of the enemy”. It is the highest esteemed medal of the United Kingdom Honours’ System that is also awarded to commonwealth countries. It bears noting that the United States of America also has a similar system of honors for its people in service (and civilians) in recognition of “extraordinary heroism.”
Interestingly, the Victoria Cross is imprinted with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, a Crown and words that read: “Pro Valore” (For Valor). As the apex of the Canadian System of Honours, the Victoria Cross is to be worn before all other Canadian decoration and insignia of orders. (Source: Wikipedia)

Much could be said about the Victoria Cross in the natural. But this vision was conveying a “Deeper” (Spoken word) message. The Cross primarily symbolizes Jesus’ Cross of Redemption. He is the One who pre-eminently and bravely battled and defeated the enemy in devotion to our FATHER and at the sacrifice of Himself. And even though Jesus gained victory over the enemy, He still instructed His followers to pick up their crosses daily and follow Him. Bearing this in mind, it can be said that the crowned King and Lion of the Tribe of Judah is now symbolically awarding Victoria Crosses (Medals of Honor) and Crowns of Life to those who overcome. That is to say that all battles won on this earth are works that are recognized in heaven and registered in the Lamb’s Book of Life. It follows that those who overcome – from all nations – will form part of GOD’s New Kingdom that is presently under construction on earth and in heaven!
To those of you who are battling on this side of eternity – and in the spiritual realms – do not give up! Keep on going! The battle is fierce because Satan knows that his time is drawing short and he has extreme wrath. Fight the good fight in devotion to GOD and in sacrifice of self (picking up the Cross). Yield that Sword (WORD), secure that Helmet of Salvation, grip that Shield of Faith and notch up that Belt of Truth! The good fight is never in vain and is never for nought. Let us never forget that Christ lives in us and that makes us so much stronger than the enemy; stronger than we might realize. Faithful Believers are a threat to the kingdom of darkness; the fallen ones know this but sometimes GOD’s people fail to recognize this truth!
Battles are won but the war is not over yet until Satan is put away in accordance with biblical prophecies. Much is looming on the horizon as revealed in visions and through Words of Knowledge: there will be hardship, there will be weeping, there will be sorrow and there will be poverty. No matter – it is time to shake the dust off from the last battle, lift up our heads and square our shoulders with continued faith and belief. And to continue encouraging one another in knowing that what happens on the outside is temporal at best because the best is yet to come!
Faithful Believers, you are extremely valued as His Warriors of Valor!
The following photo has inspired me for years; hopefully it will encourage all who are battling on the front lines today!

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” (Rom. 8:11)
Keep the Faith Always, Suzanne
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