An Encouraging Message
Yesterday evening, I prayerfully asked the Lord if He had a ‘positive’ message that would encourage His Church and that if He did I would most certainly write about it. Our FATHER in heaven answered. Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus. To set the stage for yesterday’s vision, it is significant that a previous (non-posted) vision be disclosed.
First Vision
For the past few months, I have been posting messages relating to flowers in various settings. But to remain within the scope of this message, it is noteworthy that in a previous vision from weeks’ ago, bouquets of various brightly-colored flowers were shown. Some were wrapped in white silk paper. Imagine a large square which contained all these flowers. But, interestingly, the entire square was not full. There was empty space.
Second Vision
Last night during my prayerful request, a second and similar vision manifested. Again a large square was shown. But this time, the square was completely filled with these vibrant multicolored beautiful bouquets. And again, some were wrapped in the same white silk paper. So exquisitely beautiful!
Multiplied Prayers
Flowers in my dreams and visions always convey fragrant prayers and blessings. Altogether, the visions were conveying that a multitude – an abundance – of prayers from a praying Church at the four corners of the world (square) had multiplied. So much so, that this infinite square was filled with no empty space as far as the eye could see. (I am reminded that there is strength in numbers!) The vision was indeed a confirmed ‘positive’ message as was requested. If ever there was any doubt, GOD wants the Church to know that HE hears, sees and answers prayers in accordance with HIS divine will and timing. And that HE is pleased with the time spent with HIM in prayer! Praises and thanksgiving be to the Lord! As for the silk white wrapping paper, it symbolizes the prayerful offerings, works, and service of the righteous Believer in Christ. These were highlighted and singled out for reasons known only to GOD.
Three related links follow:
2023: Into the Future January 1, 2023
Fragrant Aromas – November 2022
Power of Prayer – August 2022
Keep the Faith. Dear faithful Reader and Believer, wherever you are in this big old world and whatever you situation…..never underestimate the power of prayer. Never limit GOD our FATHER of Lights with disbelief. Believe (!) (Spoken Word of Knowledge)
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