Dove of Revelation

A Christian Website where revelatory Dreams, Visions, the Word of GOD and Words of Knowledge are shared.

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Feet Like A Deer


On Precious Oil

More than twenty years ago while living in the state of New York, a vision manifested. A large, life-size book suddenly opened up displaying a beautiful scenery of nature on both pages. The sky was a deep crisp blue and the grass was the greenest I’d ever seen. Deer were seen resting on this grass and others were eating it. And just as suddenly I found myself inside this book walking on this amazing grass and heard the words: “We Are Walking On Deer Oil.”

It would only be later that the book was recognized to be the Holy-Spirit inspired written Bible. And because oil is symbolic of the anointing, it was understood that the deer represented an anointed people set apart to rest, walk and feed on the Word which was shown as this glowing and bright green grass.

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. (Gen. 9:3 Cf. Gen. 1:29)

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. (Ps. 23:1-3)

On Deer Feet

He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights, (Ps. 18:33)

More than twenty years later and now living in Canada, I experienced a dream relating to deer (again). In this dream, I see a grey-haired, mature-looking man standing on a dock from which he has jumped into the water a few times before. But his feet are different, very different! If you can imagine it, he had feet like a deer. He jumped into the water with agility and began to easily move and untangle a number of stalled cars that had become stuck together. Others were called to jump into the water to help with this task. As the dream ended, I marveled at how easy it was to move these heavy cars.

The water represents the waters of latter-day revival. The mature man, including the others who jumped into the water with him, represent seasoned Believers who have already been in these waters. They are anointed in the Word and with the Holy Spirit. Like a deer they are surefooted. They can leap, run swiftly and with agility on rough terrain in fulfillment of their missions. And they will skillfully swim in latter-day waters to help others who have become stuck and in need of direction so they too can fulfill their missions.

….As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all the day long, “Where is your God?” These things I remember, as I pour out my soul: how I would go with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God with glad shouts and songs of praise, a multitude keeping festival. Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation …(Ps. 42:1-11)

Then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy. For waters break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. (Is. 35:6)

The waters of revival will be poured out in dry places bringing healing, joy and gifts of the Spirit during these latter days. Most importantly it will help bring repentance and salvation to the lost, the lukewarm and the backsliders. In closing, it bears noting that we are all here purposefully to secure our salvation through Jesus Christ and to fulfill specific missions. Unprecedented days of upheaval precede the return of the Lord. But those who have sought their refuge in Him and found shelter in the shadow of His mighty wings need not worry.

Keep the Faith,


Take No Prisoners


I WILL GROW YOU LIKE A ROMAN SOLDIER (Spoken Words of Knowledge during the early hours of February 12, 2023.)

The Roman Army

The Roman Army was one of the most successful army in the history of the world. The training of Roman soldiers is described as being rough and very thorough. It’s interesting to note that they weren’t always in battle but spent a great deal of time training for it. They learned specific tactics and manoeuvres. They practiced fighting in formation and man-to-man. They went on to conquer territories and built roads, forts and aqueducts. They could swim and cross rivers in boats. They could build bridges and smash their way into forts. They kept rank and could march for 20 miles a day wearing heavy armors and equipment. In brief, a Roman Soldier is described as being a very disciplined and a well-trained fighting machine.

The Army of GOD

Of course this particular soldier’s training, purpose and mission will be entirely different than one who would have been recruited by the Roman Army. But he will be just as strong and effective, I am hearing “stronger” even! I am also hearing the Word “Detective”. Add to all this that a soldier enlisted in this army will be introspective not only of self; he will also discern the strategies and tactics of the enemy, and to investigate and solve crimes. Altogether, these highly-specialized soldiers will be obedient to their Master and Commander, the Lord Jesus Christ, and will be equipped by His Spirit and the Word to don on GOD’S full Armor. In brief, they will be thoroughly trained to battle against the darkness of this age; that is to say against the devil’s wiles and ruses while fulfilling missions of evangelism and deliverance. Praise GOD and thank you Lord.


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  **Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.**  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,  for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. (Eph. 6:9-20)

Keep the Faith. And keep fighting the good fight!


When Darkness Persecutes


Prove what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. (Eph. 5:10-13)

HEAVEN IS CRYING OUT LOUD DARKNESS DARKNESS! (Spoken Words of Knowledge on two separate days).

When a Word of Knowledge is spoken twice, it is of extreme importance. Following these spoken words, an article was sent to me this morning reporting that Believers are being increasingly persecuted here in Canada for upholding moral laws put into place by the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth. (Gen. 1:27, Gen. 5:2; Lev. 18:22; 1 Kings 14:24; Mat.19:4; Rom. 1:18-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1 Tim. 1:8-10; Jude 7)

Pastors, Street Evangelists, Students and anyone else who esteems Christian values has become a potential target for the Woke agenda. Its full hand of darkness was noticeably in full swing again when a catholic high school in Ontario suspended one of its students, Josh Alexander, then had him arrested for upholding his beliefs in the existence of two genders. The article notes that readmission can only be granted on the condition that the student recant.

High School Student Suspended and Arrested – Link

The good book calls Believers to come out of the darkness and into the Light. To reprove those who teach a secular and false gospel. And to not bow down to the darkness of the Woke agenda! Christians are getting hit from all sides, it’s part and parcel of latter-day prophecies. (Mat. 10:22) But for those who hear it, the great Lion of justice is already roaring out loud and He will roar even louder in coming days! And Josh, son you did good. You are a shining example of a Christian who should not be forced to compromise the truth of GOD’S Word.


For those Believers – and there are so many – who are being persecuted for righteousness, remember that yours is the kingdom of heaven and great will be your reward. Rejoice and be encouraged about that today!

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness‘ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. (Mat. 5:10-12)

Keep the Faith in Jesus Christ and His finished works above religiosity, systems of education and all other worldly systems…. May the Holy Spirit in combination with the truth contained in GOD’S Holy Word continue to illuminate, lead and bless HIS people.

I am hearing the Word: Watch. (This message will most likely be revisited.)


Objects in the Altitude


In the News

Following Friday’s message entitled: “It’s Coming Down.” I was moved to post a link of the following news report released on Saturday:

Defense Minister says Canada Supports U.S. Downing of Chinese Balloon

The federal defense minister says Canada “unequivocally supports” the United States government’s decision to shoot down a high-altitude surveillance balloon that was suspected of spying for China, noting the balloon violated Canadian airspace…...Fighter jets downed the balloon off the Carolina coast (in the water) on Saturday afternoon after it had traveled over sensitive military sites across North America….

The Lord in His role as a Great Lion and His holy angelic hosts were, without doubt, at work behind the scene in bringing down this ‘high altitude’ Chinese balloon suspected of espionage. Whatever this object might have been and whatever its mission was or was not, it still encroached airspace laws put into place for national security.

There is a great deal of corruption and immorality in our lands from the grassroots level all the way up to those in positions of leadership. But I sense that the humble people who are earnestly seeking the Lord and praying for the healing of our nations are having positive effects on different levels. It brings to remembrance the importance of living the righteous life in Christ. And of the reality that the Lord is our Great Overseer, Protector and Defender who righteously leads his angelic hosts and works through His people on earth. In accordance with prophecies, we have yet to see the worst of this great battle between heaven and earth and between kingdoms. A great deal of darkness and wickedness exists in these realms. Even still until we see that ‘Great Day’ approaching {I am hearing final day}, those who remain will continue to have important roles to fulfill. (Lk. 19:13)

If my people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chr. 7:14)

In Appreciation

With continued prayer and a spiritual Thumb’s Up to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Canada for helping with the surveillance and eventual take down of this foreign object. May GOD keep our land safe and secure and may HE guide you in your service. To HIM be the glory, always. Praise GOD and thank you Lord Jesus Christ!


Keep the Faith,


It’s Coming Down


Prefacing Today’s Message

Yesterday I prayerfully asked the Lord that should He have a message for His Church that I would let it be known. The prayer was answered with Words of Knowledge and a Vision. (Mark 11:24; 1 Cor. 12:8)

“The Altitude Is Coming Down” (Spoken Words of Knowledge). It was followed with a vision depicting the face of a large lion looking out through a window pane of some kind. I am hearing the Word Up.

Breaking It Down

Meaning of Altitude: The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. In astronomy, the apparent height of a celestial object above the horizon, measured as an angle. Altitude is also a Word synonymous with loftiness and elevation.

From a biblical perspective, the Lion can either be good or evil and can be symbolically compared to Jesus or Satan. In this case, I believe it represents the Lord Jesus Christ who sees all things and who is preparing to return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:9) as further revealed in Isaiah 31:4 and in the Book of Revelation Chapters 5 and 10. (To be sure this is my conclusion, the Book of Revelation is always carefully addressed lest I take or add to its sacred contents. Rev. 22:18:19)

To keep the vision in context, it is significant that only Jesus Christ as a majestic prevailing Lion is empowered to open the seven-sealed Book that releases judgement and apocalyptic events on earth. In brief, He is the great Destroyer who tears down evil and darkness in high places but who also brings righteousness and Light back to a fallen world. He is the glorious One who will reshape the new heavens. He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings who will implement His New Kingdom on earth. And He is our High Heavenly Priest who will establish priests and kings during the millennial reign.

Leveling the Field

When judgment is executed in heaven and on earth, all that is wrongfully elevated, all that is pridefully lofty, all that militates against GOD, all that is false and corrupt, all that is sin, including wicked kings and kingdoms will be abased. Everything dark in the air and on this old earth will be shaken; the elements will melt and stars will fall in preparation for the rebuilding of the New Kingdom. (Hag. 2:6; Heb.12:26; Is.65:17; Mal. 4:1). Woe be to the inhabitants of the earth for the Prince of the Power of the air is being cast down to the earth. (Eph. 2:2; Rev. 12:12) And woe be to those who have made the father of sin and pride their high power. If ever there was a time to stop procrastination and a time for genuine repentance, it really is now. The Lamb is ever merciful.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look Up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Lk. 21:28)

~ Hannah’s Prayer ~

The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap to set them among princes
and make them inherit the throne of glory.
The pillars of the earth are the Lord’s and He has set the world upon them. He will guard the feet of His saints
but the wicked shall be silent in darkness. For by (human) strength no man shall prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces. From heaven He will thunder against them. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth. He will give strength to His king, And exalt the horn of His anointed.(A prophetic declaration of the coming exalted Messiah: Jesus Christ – the Lord at GOD the FATHER’S right side.) Ps. 110:1). (1 Sam. 2:6-10)

A Mobilized Lion – Link: August 27, 2022

Keep the Faith,


Exposing the Effects of Alcohol


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (ignorance, disbelief, indifference and passivity) because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children (living righteously and teaching our children, the future generations, GOD’S instructions.) (Hosea 4:16)

Biochemical Effects of Alcohol

Three types of alcohol exist but only one is regulated for human consumption: Ethanol. Research confirms that Ethanol is a poison. In order for the body to metabolize this toxic compound, it needs to be converted by another chemical NAD (touted as beneficial for health and longevity) to Acetyl Adelhide (AA). This last chemical is so toxic that it destroys human cells in various neural pathways. But wait! There is yet another destructive metabolic step involved. The body must then rely on yet another chemical to finally convert Acetyl Adelhide to Acetate fit for human consumption.

Damaged Cells Impaired Minds

If the body does not metabolize excessive Ethanol fast enough, over time Acetyl Adelhide (AA) accumulates in human tissues and causes damage such as Cirrhosis of the Liver, Alcohol-related Fatty Liver and even Cancer. But its trail of destruction does not stop there! It goes on to affect the Gut Microbiome (the body’s second brain), kidneys, etc. The biochemical effects furthermore cross the Blood Brain Barrier where it inflicts neural damage to the Neo Cortex and other areas of the brain associated with thinking, behavior, inhibition, etc. If ever there is occasion to sin under the influence, it’s in this stage when inhibitions are low and impaired. (Eph. 5:18) Science is only beginning to understand the effects of low to moderate drinking. And with it the knowledge that even the slight tipsiness and buzz caused by alcohol is already wreaking destruction at the cellular level. In brief, alcohol consumption affects the entire body and mind. Having a domino effect, it negatively impacts family structures, relationships, moral values and society as a whole. It robs the heavy drinker of his dignity and most importantly, it affects his personal relationship with GOD.

Link: Associations Between Alcohol Consumption and Grey and White Matter….(a scientific study)

The New Wine

So called societal norms for fun, relaxation and resolving problems are never found in alcohol. But! I can assure you that all answers are found from the One who resides inside of you. Certainly, we all have free will and humans do what they want. Even still godly knowledge not only motivates and prompts improvements in obedient Believers, it also helps bring enlightenment of GOD’S natural laws to future generations. Some time ago, a clear crystal glass of what appeared to be bright red wine (understood to be the fruit of the Vine as a symbol of the New Blood Covenant) appeared floating in the air. (Lk. 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25) I was instantaneously reminded about the importance of intimate communion with the Lord. I was also reminded of the comforting Words to His disciples about partaking of this beverage in His Father’s Kingdom. Considering the glorified body, we have yet to fully understand with finite human minds how that will work. Now that is really something to get ‘tipsy’ over and ‘buzzed’ about, don’t you think?! We are the blood-bought temples that house the Holy Spirit, let us make our bodies and minds healthy and holy places for Him to reside.

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s Kingdom. (Mat. 26:29)

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God. (1 Cor. 6:20).

If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. (1 Cor. 3:16-17

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Rom. 12:1)

Last Call

Let the healing, life-giving, Holy Spirit gifted to us by Jesus Christ’s finished works be the only ‘Spirit’ of renewal that flows through your wondrously-made body and Blood Brain Barrier! The transformation will bless you! But. You have to desire the change and patiently let the Lord do His awesome work. He never fails what He starts.

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Phil. 1:6)

In closing and in keeping with the opening verses of Hosea 4:16, I am reminded that increased knowledge – which is exponentially increasing by the day – is also a sign and marker that coincides with the ‘last days’. (Dan. 12:4) Let’s use it wisely and fruitfully to help advance HIS Kingdom. Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus.


Keep the Faith,


Love and Lawlessness


And because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Mat. 25:12-14)

The following Word of Knowledge Declare was spoken following a dream from a few days ago.

Chaos on the Outside

We are standing inside somewhere with a locked door. I am aware that behind the door, there is a great deal of commotion happening. Houses and apartments are being looted. Crime is rampant and fear is in the air. I hear a man who is on the inside with us reciting out loud verses from the Bible. He is is repeating, over and over again, verses that call for the people to love GOD. It was clear that he was quoting the two great Love commandments given by Jesus Christ. (Two simple commandments that encapsulates and codifies the ten commandments.) Next, a woman takes a 5-gallon bottle of purified water and throws it out the window to the people below on the outside.

What It Means

I believe this dream reflects the days of lawlessness that Jesus prophesied would take place during these latter days. Days when even those on the inside; meaning those who are separate from the outside world (locked door) (Ps. 3:3; 2 Cor. 6:17) are feeling the vulnerability of danger and fear. But those who know the Word know the solution to ward off fear. Love! This is not love as we know it here on earth, this is GOD’S pure divine love and truth. It is Love that strengthens and removes all fear. And it is love that endures! (Spoken Word of Knowledge)

Purified water is biblicaly symbolic of the operations of the Holy Spirit made available through the finished works of Jesus Christ sent by our FATHER to destroy the works of the devil. The number five is related to HIS grace and grace multiplied. (Jn. 1:16) Significantly, and to remain within the scope of this message, the Ten Commandments contain a multiplication of two sets of five commandments. The first set of five relates mostly to our intimate and personal relationship with GOD. The other set of five (the 5-gallon bottle of water) concerns relationships with others (the outside world). And those trapped and lost in this fallen world have certainly lost sight of GOD and HIS godly instructions!

Altogether it means that pure water (the operations of the Holy Spirit) is at work through faithful Believers. And it has the power to help provide deliverance to the lost but also to destroy enemies. (Gen. 6:17, Ex. 14:1-15:21.) It follows that despite the chaos, danger and the fear that many are feeling, some in the Body (the Woman) will continue to spread the message of Grace in salvation and of the Kingdom to the outside world. And it will be effectively accomplished through the Holy Spirit because these called out ones have been infused with the power of GOD’S Holy Spirit, Word and Love! In brief, the dream conveyed that regardless of how dark things are and will increasingly become, Jesus’ commandments of Love are called to remembrance. In this GOD’S Will and Purpose for evangelism will be fulfilled until the end comes.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Mat. 12:30-31)

He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet (a true prophet) shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. (Mat. 10:40-42)

There is no fear in love; but perfect love (only GOD is Perfect and is Love combined with Truth) casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love (GOD at work in us; the importance of abiding, relying and trusting HIM regardless of all situations and conditions.) (1 Jn. 4:18)

Recommended Reading: 1 Jn. Chapters 3, 4 and 5.

Keep the Faith. And may the Love of GOD fuel your Faith today!



The Lord: My Strength & Song



Do you ever get days when you feel overwhelmed with inspiration – more so than other days? Moments in time when you feel as though you’re going to jump right out of your skin? Burning Jeremiah 20:9 moments?! I am having one of those days. (smile) So, dear Reader! Before setting out for the day, I would like to share these words and thoughts with you…

The Indwelling Christ

Some years ago the following Words of Knowledge were spoken: “You Have To Let My Personality Come Through. It was the Spirit and Person of the Son alive inside this spiritually-dormant mortal coil that had spoken and was seeking expression. I really wish I could say that allowing this to happen was instantaneous. It should have been so simple and so easy, right? No, it wasn’t. The flesh dies long and it dies hard. The reality is that it takes time for the flesh to be crucified from: worldly attachments and affections, self, religious and natural mindsets, academic preconditioning and well, the list is long. Painful lessons? Yes. And if we have a stubborn streak, the lessons will take longer and will be more difficult. They were.

Chastening from a loving FATHER is required before partaking of the peaceable fruit of HIS holiness and righteousness. (Heb. 12:11) Add to this that when there is a great call of GOD on your life, the enemy will unleash and intensify his attacks that much more. It’s a tall bitter drink to swallow and it’s a double whammy. Even still, our patient Lord, the precious Holy Spirit, the Word and holy angels mercifully help, strengthen and guide us along the way. And then one day, the light bulb in our minds shines brighter and we come to realize that the greatest lesson learned in allowing His Person to live in and through us is by living the sanctified life. It’s about yielding to Him every day and never giving up. It’s about continuously persevering with determined faith until we leave this lower dimension. (Progressive sanctification) And, importantly, it’s about learning the difference between futile repetitive remorse and genuine godly sorrow and repentance.

Unwrap It!

So, then! Let the Lord’s Spirit and Personality come through your converted heart; it will open the gates of His righteousness, holiness and glory for you! Let it awaken the song that is in your heart and sing it! Let all fruitful works that serve for the greatest good find expression! And may the Strength, Divine Wisdom and Love that lives in you revive not only you but also a sick, lost and dying world.

The following verses are being shared with you today after having seen in vision the power and high voltage of ‘The’ Glorious Right Hand! For those in doubt, I can testify that it really is as powerful as the Word instructs! Praise GOD and thank you Lord!

The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; *The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. The right hand of the Lord is exalted; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.* The Lord has chastened me severely, He has not given me over to death. Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, And I will praise the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord, through which the righteous shall enter. I will praise You, for you have answered me, and have become my salvation. (Ps. 118:14-21)


Keep the Faith in the Lord and His finished works. Don’t let the enemy, regardless of the obstacles, manipulate and rob you – and others – of the gift that is in you. Stir it up. Unwrap it. Declare His magnificent works! Just. Go!


The Book of Light


Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight. All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” (Lk. 10:19-22)

More than Twenty + Years Ago

It is noteworthy that at the time of this dream or vision, my understanding of scriptural knowledge was very limited. Indeed, at that time I was like a newborn babe in the infancy stages of spiritual development and understanding. And twenty + years later, I still remain awestruck at how GOD our FATHER reveals HIS Word (Prophetic: Spoken Word of Knowledge). HE truly is an omnipotent GOD WHO knows and sees the end from the beginning. And, indeed, at the end the last shall be first with Him in the Light because He is the First and the Last! (Gen. 1:3; Mat. 20:16; Rev. 13:8; Is. 44:6; Rev. 22:13)

Somewhere Beyond

Suddenly (as though I were plopped somewhere) I find myself standing in front of two very large, ornately-carved doors made of a very rich type of wood. I remember thinking: “What is this place?” Because the doors were opened and inviting, I felt no intimidation entering but still marveled at the setting of what appeared to be perhaps a large and prestigious office. But despite its prestige this was, by no means, an ordinary office. A large desk made of deep rich wood rested in the middle of this room along with a chair. I thought to myself whoever owns this office is one VIP! (Very Important Person) There were other things to see but my attention was drawn to this desk. On the surface rested an open book that appeared to be a registry of some kind. The lined pages were that bright white often seen in visions and dreams. And that is when I saw that names had been elegantly handwritten, one below the other, with bright glowing blue ink.

A Living Book

It was eventually understood that the Lamb’s Book of Life had been shown in symbolic form. To note that the office, desk and chair (throne) belonged to a VIP is an understatement. To be sure! White represents the Lamb’s holiness, His righteousness, His Light! The bright blue ink represents the sky, the heavens and a color related to the Holy Spirit. To be clear, the written names belonged to people on earth who had found salvation, righteousness, holiness in Jesus Christ and who had been born-again of the Spirit through Him.

Why Now?

Question: So why after all these years is this vision or dream posted? Answer: Because it is still a timely testimony of GOD’S Word. And hopefully it will benefit whoever reads it. (Hab. 2:2-3) Because the end of the list of names had been shown, it was understood that it represented the last generation on earth. This is us; this is our time! And time, as we humanly understand it, is running out. With that in mind, this message is posted to encourage everyone about the importance of repentance. Of being saved by the Lamb, Jesus Christ, through His complete plan of salvation. To receive and be washed by His Word and His Holy Spirit. And to be born again in and through Him in order to overcome the flesh, the world and the devil. We are at the end and a new beginning is dawning! Let us make haste to be found worthy. To be found righteous. To keep our salvation secured! To be Overcomers! To not have our names blotted out of The Book of Light: The Book of Life! But to spiritually live now a Kingdom Life on earth where GOD and the Lamb reign and rule in us, and eventually to live in those eternal heavenly dimensions of Light! (1 Cor. 3:16-17; Gen. 1:3; Rev. 21:23)

You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” ’ (Rev. 3:4-6) (Cf. Ps. 69:28)

Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again. (A new and born again life in Him!) (Jn. 3:3-7)


Keep the Faith. Believe (Spoken Word of Knowledge)


A Call to Arms


After prayerfully asking the Lord for guidance on a recent subject, three consecutive visions were shown. In one: Praying hands. In the other: A Bible. And in the third: A Hammer. When the visions were clearly understood, the following Word of Knowledge was then spoken: “Declare”.

Declaring the Visions

The Hammer represents GOD’S powerful, unadulterated and unbreakable Word! It deeply shatters all wrongful doctrine, all arrogance and defiance against HIM including all that is prophetically false. (Jeremiah 23:29) With that in mind, the visions are explained in HIS unbreakable Word:

Paul’s Teachings to Timothy

On the subject of Prayer, which has been a relevant topic in recent months, I was reminded of Apostle Paul’s instructions to Timothy:

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,  who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am speaking the truth in Christ and not lying—a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth. (1 Tim. 2:1-7)

On the subject of Scriptures (Bible), I was also reminded of Apostle Paul’s instructions to Timothy:

I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. (2 Tim. 4:1-5)

Moving Parts

Every faithful Believer, regardless of the office or title he/she occupies, has the responsibility not only to pray for ‘everyone’ but also to share the unadulterated Word when the opportunity arises. Doing so will help advance GOD’S Kingdom and make for a healthier growing body of Believers on earth – and it is a big, big, world! During these latter days, Laborers are needed on many different fronts. But I can testify that in our small, crime-riddled, drugged, drunken and immorally- infested northern Canadian city alone, they are very, very few. For this reason and more, it is incumbent on the Believer to never miss the occasion to pray and witness when opportunity comes knocking! It bears noting that different ranks form one army: privates, privates second class, privates first class, specialists, corporals, sergeants, staff sergeants, sergeants first class, master sergeants, first sergeants, sergeant majors, command sergeants major and sergeants major. Likewise, there are many moving parts to the Church but we are still only one Body. And it belongs to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Handle it with care and truth! Praise and glory be to GOD! Recommended Readings: 1 Corinthians Chapter 12.

Timothy – Meaning of Name: One Who Honors GOD.


As always, keep the Faith. And may the Peace of GOD keep you.


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